Vietnam - Germany Cultural Exchange Program: "UEL Youthtalk - Global Links" with Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

On March 25th 2024, the Department of Cooperation and Development (DCD) was honored to host the UEL Youthtalk: Global Links in welcoming esteemed delegation and graduate students from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany with the participation of 2 Polish exchange students, and UEL students. The program was divided into three sessions: UEL Campus Tour, UEL Youthtalk: Global Links Workshop, and the afternoon company tour to TBS Group.




The heat of Saigon was nothing compared to the enthusiasm of the UEL Youthtalk program ignited by the energy of the students with their proactive engagement in cultural and artistic exchange activities. Hence, they participated in small group conversations for better mutual understanding, before performing a funny dance together. At the UEL Youthtalk, there were no barriers of age, culture, or nationality, only the genuine joy of friends from all over the world.




"This is the most impressive cultural exchange program during our journey. The enthusiasm, dynamic energy of the UEL students along with the valuable information throughout the program, I believe this will be the best experience of our trip." - Dr. Ralf Konrad Schellhase, representative delegate of Darmstadt University, shared with delight.




DCD hopes that through this program, UEL will have more opportunities to welcome and organize cultural and academic exchange programs. At the same time, it will provide more student exchange opportunities to help students achieve their study abroad dreams.




See more information at: DCD Fanpage

News & images: Department of Cooperation & Development