UEL CTP Semester 2 AY 23-24 | Orientation Day: Welcome on board new exchange students!

Another semester has come, UEL and DCD are delighted to welcome international exchange students from France, Poland, and Germany to  UEL. To prepare for a successful exchange semester, on February 22nd 2024, DCD organized the Orientation Day to welcome and guide international students in their learning journey at UEL.

On the  Orientation Day, international students had the opportunity to learn about Vietnamese culture by practicing  some basic conversational phrases with their buddies, finding out about  Vietnamese cuisine as well as famous tourist attractions across the country. Additionally, the Exchange Coordinator also informed  on academic regulations at UEL, annual events, prominent activities for international students, and most importantly, they had the chance to meet their UEL buddies who would accompany them throughout their exchange study in Vietnam. Towards the end of the program, they participated in a campus tour to explore the beauty of UEL campus.

Although the orientation session lasted only one day, it helped international students gain a deeper understanding of Vietnam and UEL, forging connections among individuals who were strangers just a few hours ago but are now becoming each other's friends. Let's cherish this special moment together with DCD!

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News & images: Department of Cooperation & Development