UEL CTP Semester 2 AY 23-24 | DCD Farewell Party: Gifts from the Vietnamese buddies!

On June 7th, a farewell party was held for international exchange students at the University of Economics and Law, VNUHCM in the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024, at UEL Space. In the cozy and intimate atmosphere of the party, international students and their buddies along with DCD collaborators had the opportunity to look back on an exchange semester filled with emotions, memories, and much joy as they shared compelling stories in their lives with each other.




The party began with minigames to find the 'mystery factor' who truly understood UEL and Vietnam during their exchange period. The joyful moments of entertainment, followed by the 'sentimental' and 'tearful' part as each student took turns recounting their ups and downs, sharing stories in Vietnam or even their culture shock experiences while hanging out together.




To preserve those beautiful memories before homecoming, UEL teddy bears and mini conical hats - a symbol of Vietnamese culture, were given to the exchange students as a reminder of their exchange semester in this S-shaped country. But DCD members claimed that such plain conical hats are simply too dull! Therefore, crayons and paint brushes were carefully prepared on the decorating table by DCD members, not only to make those tiny souvenirs become much more memorable, but also to serve the 'artistic minds' to unleash their creativity and create one-of-a-kind conical hat 'masterpieces' for themselves.




Through the past semester, which was neither too short nor too long, the Department of Cooperation and Development hopes that the international students have had a very enriching living and learning experience with many beautiful memories in Vietnam. Hopefully, the DCD collaborators will continue to maintain the passionate spirit throughout each semester to turn the exchange program into meaningful exchange journeys.




Once again, let's join DCD in reflecting the beautiful moments of this intimate party.


See more information at: DCD Fanpage

News & images: Department of Cooperation & Development



Tập tin:Logo Trường Đại học kinh tế - Luật (UEL), ĐHQG-HCM, 220px.png –  Wikipedia tiếng Việt