Meeting with University of Opole

At 09.30 AM Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at the room A.103 of University of Economics and Law, Assoc. Prof Le Vu Nam, Vice Rector of the institution; MA. Le Bich Thuy, Head of National Assembly Planning Department; Ms. Mac Thi Dieu Trang had a meeting with Professor Janusz Stodczyk, PhD., DSc., University of Opole.



The representative discussed the possibility of cooperating to develop a lecturer and student exchange program as well as co-researching. Accordingly, lecturers and students of the University of Law and Economics will have the opportunity to study and research at University of Opole, one of the leading prestigious education and training centers in Poland. The two schools have agreed to sign an agreement and initially implemented activities to promote exchange cooperation program.


The meeting paves the way for opportunities to build sustainable links with University of Opole.