Field trip to NTT Communications

At 14.00, November 07th, 2014, a group of students from University of Economics and Law – National University of HCMC had visited NTT Communications Vietnam Company, NTT Group located at Vincom Center, 72 Le Thanh Ton St, District 1, HCMCity. 

Established in 1952 in Japan, with more than 60 years of development, NTT Group is now the largest provider of information services and telecommunications in the world, which won the trust of customers as well as many prestigious awards. NTT Communications Vietnam is a subsidiary company of NTT Group, which specializes in providing computer solutions, software development, systems and network integration...

Student group of University of Economics - Law includes many students from many different majors and several studentsfrom exchange programs with University of PanthéonAssas Paris II. They have an impressive field trip at NTT Communications. 

The first impression about NTT Communications is the polite manner and friendliness of thestaff. UEL’s student group was greeted in a friendly and warmmanner, which is the characteristic of the Japanese people.

Opening the field trip is a seminar at the meeting room of the company, with the subject about introducing company and sharing of its staff. The seminar began with an impressive introduction about NTT of Mr. Takayuki Suzuki, Sales Director of NTT Communications. Mr. Takayuki showed the passion and persuasive in his presentation, attracted a lot of attention from students.

The following activity is an introduction aboutNTT’s Culture of Ms. Jenny, a Vietnamese who work here. Hermotivating sharing about "Never give up" spirit of the Japanese, as well as the sharing about her work received a lot of positive feedback from the students. The break time of the seminar is just "spontaneous" but playful and livelyart performance from UEL’s student. The seminar continued with the introduction of Ms. Mina, a Japanese staff, about the organizational structure of NTT. The final activity of the seminar is the exchange program between UEL’s students and staffs of NTT communications.

Next, the student groupwas visiting the workplace of NTT Communications. Student group was welcomed by the caring andpoliteness of NTT employees, leaving deep impressions on the students.

The tour ends with group photo. NTT Communications and UEL’s students farewell makes good impression on each other.

Fieldtrip is ameaningful activity provided students with the opportunity to be in direct contact with businesses and capture knowledge from practice. Our sincere thanks to NTT Communications company for welcoming UEL’s students.